Welcome to Malmö ❤️
Welcome to Malmö ❤️
Heeey youu!❤️ And Hej! Vi pratar såklart svenska (skånska) också, men som ett internationellt tillväxtbolag är engelska vår kärna i vår interna kommunikation, såååå vi fortsätter i engelsk anda 👍🚀
Welcome to Team Malmö❤️ Besides having the best falafels 🌯 in Sweden, Malmö is also home to seven Teamtailor peeps! And we're growing 😍
We love sharing food. But whatever you do, don't share your food ideas with Joey. 🙈
We celebrate our success together with Pizza Friyays 🍕, Ping pong 🏓 and afterworks. We also do lots of regular social things like eating breakfast together or having fun at Boulebaren. ⚾️
During the pandemic, we had to adapt, but continued having fun playing Kahoot and other activities together remotely 🚀
Together, we aim for greatness. We've already achieved a lot of great things together such as being named the fourth fastest Gasell company in Sweden in 2019 (The Gasell survey ranks Sweden's most successful companies), and one of the top 10 fastest-growing tech companies in Sweden in both 2018 and 2019. Sound fun?
Workplace & Culture
Our guiding stars are to be different, personal and kind. These apply to everything we do, from how we talk to our customers to how we work and who we hire. We have a lot of fun doing what we love, and we celebrate every success.
Drop by one of our offices and say hello and meet our team – coffee is on us ☕️